Cats Cradle Spitfire

Miss Police

Spitfire, a rocket & a real working dog through and through.

Spitfire is a real workaholic. You don’t have to ask this young lady to do something, she is usually already “on the job” before you even know that there is something to be done.
Spitfire is a real workhorse and feels responsible for everything and everyone.

Therefore, there was one thing above all you had to learn – endure boredom & deal with it.

Because “switched on” you get Spittywitz, as we affectionately call it, with a single blink of an eye.

Spitfire is very sweet and loving with her family and people she knows, but can be very suspicious of strangers and always maintains a certain distance from people she does not know (relatively typical for Catahoulas).

This restraint, inherent in the breed, should in no way be confused with timidity or fear.
The opposite is the case.
If Spitfire feels threatened, it is not a dog that backs away.

You could call Madame a little “control freak”.
She’s the one who keeps everyone except Lennox and us on track, makes decisions and has entire groups of dogs under control.

Not for nothing is her nickname “Police”.
Spitfire has a very big “Will to please” and shows it every day as a “trainer dog”.

Her sense of smell as well as her hunting instinct are really strong – at the age of 6 months she caught a bird in flight. Surprise, surprise.

Spitfire, like all of our other dogs, live and experience their everyday life with all kinds of strange dogs, of all breeds and sizes, in our training and pension company near Passau in Lower Bavaria.

They all have really strong social skills, a lot of experience with other dogs and are really valuable and valued team members of OutdoorDOGS Munich .


Spitfire`s “Framework Data”

Import Canada

Born July 20th, 2014


59cm (shoulder)


ED A-1

M / m (Single Merle – genetic test)

S / S (Piebald – genetic test / negative)

Clear Vision & Hearing