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Welcome to Phoenix Rising Catahoulas

“We thrive for Performance & Confirmation”

We are a approved kennel by the NALC – National Association of Lousiana Catahoulas.

Enjoy browsing our site and keep in touch with us over our contact form.

Origin & reasons

We try to unite old working bloodlines in our breeding.

Wagers , Sandhill s, Koons , Lees , Aden s – to name a few.

In our kennel all dogs have a strong work and hunting instinct, and are equipped with a good nose and want to do a job for their humans. Those traits is what we strive for. Nevertheless, we give great focus & importance to the fact that all our dogs learn one first thing in the first two years of life – “absolute boredom”. We want dogs that are “right on the job” with a hint of the finger, but can also lie quietly next to us again just as quickly. Working dogs that are permanently “switched on” are inherently undesirable – and make everyday life for their people extremely complicated. Not to mention the health consequences for the dog itself.

Personality & Appearance

We like our dogs strong built with a stable foundation and beautiful strong heads. A well-designed muscle structure and a balanced character is the goal of our breed.

Catahoulas are definitely not the easiest dog breed that a person can get, living with them in our society means constantly mastering challenges. These dogs are definitely not for everyone! But if you are looking for a challenge – a dog that can think and decide for itself, and still have many of the original dog characteristics that have made life easier for us humans for hundreds of years, then a Catahoula might be the right one dog for you.


Some of our dogs have already won the “Best of Breed” and other championship titles several times. But that’s not what makes them so valuable to us. Their real achievement is the support in our daily work as dog trainers & operators of a small but nice dog boarding house.

What would a working dog be worth if it turned the lives of its humans into a single nightmare? In our everyday life we need well-balanced dogs who do not have a big discussion when there is a job to be done – but can also shut down immediately if necessary.


Our offspring should become a valid part of society, find their way around it to enrich the lives of their new owners.
Our puppies grow up according to the motto “right in the middle instead of just there”, from the beginning they and their mother are at the center of our lives – and if they are old enough, they also get to know the other dogs in our social group and learn through them and their mother dog valuable lessons for the rest of their lives. You will not find one of our dogs in a kennel because they are part of our family and our everyday life.

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We want to hear from you

Address: Tina & Barton Profitt, Geharting 2, 83135 Schechen, Germany

Phone: +49 176 304 98 516 / +49 80394009088